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 BHY2R "Plates & Tunes 2k14"

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Nombre de messages : 5
Date d'inscription : 25/03/2015

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MessageSujet: BHY2R "Plates & Tunes 2k14"   BHY2R "Plates & Tunes 2k14" EmptyMer 1 Avr - 10:56

Plates & Tunes 2k14, Artist: Bhy2r, Type: Compilations, Genre: Reggae, Dancehall, to discover on Royal Warriors Muzik, the label specialized in reggae, dancehall and new roots.

BHY2R "Plates & Tunes 2k14" 10714011_10152400361578344_3182297447432632865_o_zps6uabsjyoBHY2R "Plates & Tunes 2k14" 10012187_10152404446218344_402083062531272503_o_zpsvhoo3hvnBHY2R "Plates & Tunes 2k14" Artwork%20Bhy2r%20PNT%202K14%201%20_zpsouhvfkwpBHY2R "Plates & Tunes 2k14" Bhy2r%20%20CD-CENTRAL%20PNT2K14_zps8pknundjBHY2R "Plates & Tunes 2k14" Bhy2r_zpspuuekf5o

With more than 25 songs from reggae lovers to nü roots , funk , dancehall , hip hop  , Royal Warriors Muzik & Bhy2r compiled singles , dubplates from Canada , Ghana , France ,  brand new hits from Jamaica  recorded during the last 2 years , Plates & Tunes story started in 2006 , it's a biannual production . This year the format and the language has radically changed , this is a one hour-mix with 30 original songs  , mostly singing in english.Member Bhy2r was born in Martinique talking principally kreyol and french , right now living in Europe and traveling each years in Jamaica and caribbean , his new productions are principally singing in a kind of kreyol english yardie   , he already work with fellow artists as : Turbulence , Earl Anthony , Donovan Joseph , Terrie Ganzie , Jah Van I , Clive Hunt , Goldy ,  Bongo Hermann , Adeana Myrie , Marvin Williams or famous Anchor's Recording studio's engineer, Delroy"Phatta"Pottinger .

The mixtape is available here >> http://rwmuzik.com/produits/plates-tunes-2k14,58.html

"This is the BhyyyyyyyrrrRRR !!!"

While waiting to return very soon on stage ...
click on the links below to discover and download the artist Bhy2R on the Plates & Tunes 2014:


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