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 Groundation - Tucson, AZ - 4/21/07

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2 participants
Absolute Grounded
Absolute Grounded

Nombre de messages : 1104
Date d'inscription : 28/08/2006

Groundation - Tucson, AZ - 4/21/07 Empty
MessageSujet: Groundation - Tucson, AZ - 4/21/07   Groundation - Tucson, AZ - 4/21/07 EmptyLun 21 Mai - 6:35

Twelve Tribes
Tucson, AZ
April 21, 2007

Source: Sonic Studio DSM-6S Mics>Sonic Studios PA-6LC2 LoCut>Sony PCM-M1 DAT

1) (8:37)
2) (7:50)
3) (4:22)
4) Cool and Calm (7:42)
5) One More Day (6:20)
6) (5:49)
7) (5:35)
Cool (12:27)
9) (14:01)
10) Get Up Stand Up (7:03)

Lineage: Sony PCM-M1 DAT>(Oade Digital Coaxial Transfer)>Tascam CD-RW402>EAC>FLAC

-I can't give the sound any better then an A-/B+ even though I was only 15 feet center from stage because the acoustics
sucked: the ceiling was very low and the sound system was set up for dj's - stacks randomly placed all over the place.
Literally, everytime you moved the sound changed noticeably! The low end was also distorted. I did find what I considered
under the circumstances to be a sweet spot. There may have been 100 people there - mainly drunk college kids but it was
way loud and drowned them out. The band was definitely bummed about the sound too as they'll comment about - I think this
kept the show short too. Second time I saw them - definitely a good solid reggae band that actually jams out a bit too.
-dedicate show to Lud (Nattydread) who made me aware of it and asked me to tape & seed it if I went - well, I made it
and here it is.
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Nombre de messages : 2878
Age : 38
Localisation : France
Date d'inscription : 16/09/2005

Groundation - Tucson, AZ - 4/21/07 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Groundation - Tucson, AZ - 4/21/07   Groundation - Tucson, AZ - 4/21/07 EmptyMer 23 Mai - 0:56

On peut remercier notre cher modérateur Nattyjah (lud) sans qui ce live n'aurait pas été enregistré.

Merci Natty
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Groundation - Tucson, AZ - 4/21/07
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